Detail '90-3-160' .jpg
48 ( 700000 )
Detail 2 '1916) 48 ( 700000 ) 3.300000' 2023.jpg
Detail 1 '1916) 48 ( 700000 ) 3.300000'.jpg
39 ° 49 34.1 E 21°25 21 15 N
Detail '39 ° 49 34.1 E 21°25 21 15 N'.jpg
Detail 4  '(700000-3.300000)'.jpg
43) Amalek (
Detail 1'43) Amalek ( 48'.jpg
Detail 2 '43) Amalek ( 48'.jpg
3.27 kg
Detail '3.27 kg' .jpg
In the wake of Amalek's shadow
Bound to roaming spectres
Detail 1 'Bound to roaming spectres' .jpg
Detail 1 from '(160---3---90-------'.jpg
The shadow of 48
I sang the sounds with no notion of it's meaning
Detail 'I sang the sounds with no notion of it's meaning'.jpg
Illegible facts
Detail 'Illegible facts'.jpg
We fold into each other
Detail 1 'We fold into eachother' .jpg
Detail '(Amalek)-----160:3:90------' .jpg
---3.27 kg---
Beneath our flesh with marks that bind
Carved numbers on a tablet of stone
Voices stuffed into cracks
Fragmenting Prayers
Bound to voices unheard
Tethered Tzitzit
Stuffed Prayers
Tzitzit Carvings
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